Monday, October 25, 2010

Growing so fast...

Iv been so busy keeping up with this precious little angel of mine!! He is 6.5 months now!! He loves to babble!! He does it all the time, while I'm driving and he is in the back seat, while he is getting a bath ect.. And I just mock his babble and he thinks it's hilarious! And I love when he showers me with kisses!

One if the many things that melts me is when he lays his head on my shoulder!! I think it's sooooo darn sweet!! I'm just pudding with my little boy!! And it cracks me up the way he is so little an acts like a big boy!! He thinks he can climb a mountain!!

So about 2 weeks ago we went to the pumpkin patch on his daddy birthday!! We got some really cute pictures!! That same day in the afternoon we also went to the state fair of Texas!! It was nicks first time! We rode the dart rail there and back, he was the entertainment! He was being silly an giggling and everyone thought it was so funny! He always gets slot of attention when we are out and about, he has a really great personality I think! He always gives everyone a toothy smile and then hides his face becase he gets shy.

So Friday after daddys birthday we threw him a surprise party, just our parents and siblings, but it was great! He was totally surprized!! Had some good food he got pretty awsome presents and we got to hang out with family.

Oh and just the other day Nick was playing in his crib I went to the kitchen for something real quick and then I heard him cry, the kind of cry when something not too good happens so I ran to his room thinking he probably fell on his face from sitting position and he got scared... I walk in his room and the booger had tried to stand from the crib rail!! He was stuck on his knees his hand on the top of the rail and I guess he got scared because he could figure out how to either get up all the way or get back down! Lol!!

Yesterday we went to take our first family pictures together! The session went great!! Of course I knew this fella loves taking pictures! He is used to me taking pics of him all the time! He loves the spotlight! He was flashing awsome smiles!! We also took pics of him in his baptism outfit. Which btw his baptism is really soon!! Don't want to say when yet because j already sent out the invites and don't wanna spoil it!!

I am really excited about it though! It's such a special day for us as his parents to take our angel to get baptized!! His outfit is brand new from Strausburgs Children, and he will use his daddys baptism shoes, which I just finished cleaning up yesterday, they were yellowish and Iv got to say I did a pretty good job cleaning them up! And those dirty little shoe laces I got really white! And he is also going to use this thing that looks like a front and back bib thing he is required to wear and it was his daddys too! (sigh) so adorable! So this weekend my sister in law and I have last minute things to buy! Oh and I don't think iv even mentions who his godparents will be! Julians sister Laura and his brother Jr. I know they will be great godparents to him!!

Oh boy I guess iv made this long enough lol, I guess next time I blog will probably be about how great the baptism was!! Yup it's that close!! Yay!!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Baby Nicolas is 6months today! 10/7/10

Updates on Nick, He is a little booger!! he wants to feel and play with everything and put everything in his mouth!! he especially loves paper! magazines, books ect. he likes the way it makes the crinkling noise. And he throws a fit when I dont let him chew on books and stuff. He has been sitting up on his own now for about two weeks! And my mom bought him a walker so now he plays in that too, he doesnt zoom fast yet but he is getting the hang of the fact that he cant get around in that thing. So time to cover the outlets!! He absolutly still enjoys being outdoors, sometimes he is fussy and we go sit out front and he loves it, or sometimes we go for walks. I was telling Julian he needs to hang up the hammock so we can chill on it, I think he would love it, we didnt put it out during he summer cuz it was way too hot to sit out there.

He has been doing very well eating solids the past 2 months, first cereal at 4 mo then i started fruits and veggies when he turned 5 months. Today the doc said I can also give him pureed meats. Cant wait to see how he reacts to meats. The past two weeks he got in the bad habit of waking during the night to eat! which he wasnt doing anymore. Today I asked the doc about that and he told me to let him cry it out a little and rock himself back to sleep because if not it will be a habit that will be more difficult to break once he gets older. So its going to be some tough few nights ahead of us to break him of this habit, he is like a little drunk! lol

Today at his doctors appt he weighed 17pds 10oz! and he is now 27.5 inches long! Since he was born he has gained 10 pds and 7.5 inches lol! My baby boy is so precious! He is also starting to give baby versions of kisses! he will grab our faces with both hands and open up his mouth and press it to our cheeks! He is also very cuddly now, he leans on my shoulder when I carry him, its soooo sweet! that boy just melts me!!!

So we bought his big boy carseat last week, he hasnt out grown his infant carrier just yet, but we had gift cards from Babies r us that I thought we should invest in the carseat before I spent it on random stuff there. I have been doing alot of research anyway on carseats, Im all about the saftey! I also read reviews and I let nick sit in the ones at the store to see how he feels in them lol. We ended up getting the Saftey 1st "Air Protect" I read it was one of the saftest seats out there at the moment. Its also very cute! I am a big Graco fan! our infant carrier is Graco and so was his swing that we ended up returning because he didnt use it much and his high chair is also Graco and his Crib. But once again saftey is very important to me thats why we went with Saftey 1st! 

Oh I also forgot to mention we took Nick to his first Oktoberfest in Addison this year! It was lots of fun! The reason I enjoy taking him is because I have been going there since I was 3! And the Munich Evergreen band is friends with my aunt so they have seen me and my sis and my Cousin Sammy grow up!

And on Oct 14th is Julians birthday, also very special because its going to be his first birthday as a daddy, well last year Nick was in my belly at this time. So we still have to go shopping for daddys present from me and Nick.

Well I think thats about it for now, I will have to put up some new pictures for this post probably tomorrow, thats what I always say and it takes me longer than that lol!