Thursday, March 31, 2011

almost there....

Oy...its the end of march. Big week this coming week, Fall 2011 Market at work, blah its gonna b crazy!!

So this weekend was great..not nearly long enough but great weather puts me in a super mood!! Nicolas enjoys it too because we spend more time playing outdoors. We just installed his bike seat on my bike and he totally loves it!!. We are also giving our backyard a face lift to get ready for Spring, we will be spending a lot of time out there BC nick is such a boy and loves the outdoors!!.

He is still being too chicken to let go of furniture to walk to us, he gets down and crawls instead. But in a way its ok I'm enjoying carrying him around still.

His birthday planning is going super. Have most of the shopping done.

At the moment my little goof ball is trying to bite my toes lol. Oh and he is expanding his "vocabulary" he says ball=BA, dog=woow woow. And when he bumps into something says ouch.

One week from today and our boy will be one!!