Thursday, May 19, 2011

up late and alone

Im up late and pretty much alone except for baby sleeping in my room. Its thursday, almost midnight and my hubby left to California for work on Sunday. And my mom took our dog Scottie to her house tonight because Nick and I have an early flight tomorrow. Im excited and doubt I will get any sleep tonight, but at the same time hoping and praying nick will be a good baby on the plane for 3 hours!! ahh! So its been about a week now that nick has really taken off walking. He walks around the house like such a big boy. I can tell he is very proud of himself. And I am one proud momma!! But I now understand why other older parents would be like you don't want him to walk, when he tries, push him down lol!! Not that I don't want him to walk, but I get it now. They become even more of a handful because they don't know about falling and hurting themselves.
So these past few days that I have been sans a hubby, hasn't been too bad, Im the mommy and I am used to doing most things for nick anyway, I am the one here during the day with him, and Im the wifey that cooks and cleans the house, so nothing has changed much except hubby being here in the evenings to eat dinner with us and enjoy our house. So yea its a little weird at night. Especially when we are in bed with out daddy. But my sister has spend 2 nights here to keep us company, and that has helped me keep my mind of off missing my hubby too bad.
Also on the Sunday that hubby left, we went out to dinner with my mom, sister, baby and my 2 aunts to celebrate my moms birthday with was the next day. We went to Salt Grass!! Yum!! Then on Monday the day of her birthday we went to dinner with my step dad, and 2 of my cousins to Gloria's. Then a week from today is my mother in laws birthday. Julia will still be in California until the next day which is Friday. He gets home that evening, then we head to Oklahoma for my cousin's Quinceanera. Crazy busy May I tell you!! THe 15 is on saturday, then our goddaughter Maria Mercedes does her confirmation on Sunday also in Oklahoma!! Ahhhh! We will never make it home lol!! Good thing Monday will be a holiday and hopefully give us a break and chance to regroup and prepare for a normal schedule again!!
Something I have learned in these 13 months of being a mommy, is that at first the hard part is all the sleep loss, and when baby starts sleeping more, then there is the he needs to be entertained more, and then they learn to sit, and walk and crawl and now Walk!! Certain things get easier and other things get harder, so it all balances out, and mommies never get a break,and we are always tired...but i love being Nick's mom and Julians wife, I wouldn't change it for the world!!!

I know very random stuff, but thats all that just rambles around in my head!!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Hands full!!

I know I always say every day this kiddo gets smarter and becomes more of a monkey. A monkey stunt man lol!! He likes to climb on everything, things he shouldn't of course!! He keeps me on my toes though!!
But I love it!! Even when Im tired, I always appreciate that he is healthy enough to be such a monkey! Thank goodness his tummy virus is gone! He is back to eating his regular food instead of just living off of soy milk, crackers, bananas and apple sauce!! I could tell he was feeling better when he would (in his baby talk and sign language) tell me that he wanted some other food, and he would eat more!! He now drinks 8-10oz of milk instead of 6oz. Also with solid food, the boy can really eat now!! I think he may be going through a growth spurt. And now if he sees us snacking on something...he wants a snack too! So I try to eat at the same time he does if not he will be eating all day!! Oh yesterday I let him try some peanut butter for the first time on a cracker, he really liked it!! And he hasn't shown signs of being allergic so thats a good thing.
And omg its May 2nd and this texas weather is crazy! its been raining since all last night and its 46degrees outside!! CRAZY!!!!!!
I also cant believe this sunday is Mothers day!! IT will be my second mothers day with my little guy!! How awesome! Here goes the start to a busy May as always!! I think we have figured out what to get our mothers for mothers day and their birthdays!! Since like I mentioned in my last blog all this month! And My cousins 15 is May 27th so have to find a gift for her and something to wear for myself baby and hubby!
One thing I am not looking forward to this month is my hubby leaving on a business trip for two weeks to Cali!! We were going to join him for a few days....but its frowned upon! And besides the hassle!! I all by myself would have to lug around our luggage, a carseat and stroller!! to cali and back!!! Yea so, we agreed it would be better to just take a Family vacation at the end of the summer. But its gonna suck! We are gonna be really lonely with out daddy!! But we will survive!!