Sunday, August 22, 2010

Work in progress

Sleeping and playing with toes
Hey everyone, I still need to add some pics to the blog, but Im too lazy to turn on the computer and mess with pics. But I'm hoping to get it done this coming week! So Nicolas discovered his feet about 2weeks ago and is always grabbing them. Today he started trying to put them in his mouth it's hilarious! I have one pic where he was napping and he was grabbing his feet! I can't believe how much he has grown physically and mentally, he is such a smart and funny baby. Like when he coughs for attention, and now he grabs at things on the table, and he is a pro at rolling over now! He thinks playing with daddies beard is funny. He is very ticklish! And continues to yell for fun, last nite at a restaurant and this morning at church before mass started lol! Julian was like stick something in his mouth lol!! Oh and today I saw a diaper I saved from the hospital and I'm like omg it's sooo tiny!! Like I can't believe he was that tiny (tear).

Thursday, August 19, 2010

4th Month so far..

At 4 mo Check up
He is now 4 months, he did have a 4 month check up and he got 2 shots again! But this time he was a tough boy! He didnt cry!! It seemed like he didnt even feel the shots, I was a little weirded out. But I guess its good because I dont feel so bad for him.
He loves to smile and babble, he likes to yell for fun lol!! He just keeps getting funner and funner. Doc said I could start him on baby cereal! He doesnt seem to mind it much. He really likes playing in his high chair. He also likes playing with daddies beard!! I guess the scratchiness makes him giggle, actually daddy is always being silly and makes him smile and giggle. He has begun to notice Scottie. He reaches for him when he sees him near and Scottie nudges his little hand playing with him, its so adorable!!
He only poops once maybe twice a day, he still eats every 3 hours during the day and only like twice at night. He sleeps anywhere from 6-9 hours, sometimes he figits for about 2 hours around 5 am. like he kinda wants to wake up but he stays asleep. He takes about 3 naps during the day, lasting about 1 hour and one of those naps he sleeps 3 hours after playing for a long time.
He wakes up a happy baby never fussy. Unless he hasnt gotten enough sleep he fusses a little and I give him his pacey and he goes back to sleep. And by the way those pacifiers they give them at the hospital, they get addicted to them, so if you already have a certain pacey in mind take it with you to the hospital and let them know you have one already. I didnt think abou that. But its okay he looks adorable with his hospital pacey!

This month we celebrated my 24th birthday and our 4 yr wedding anniversary!! It was great to have baby with us on a such a special day! This time last year I was about 5 wks preggers and didnt know it yet. I found out the day after my birthday!! Crazy huh?

Also we have signed up for a Baptisim class we need to take in order to baptize him. But we have to wait 3 months because apparently we wernt members of this church anymore and yet we got married there 4 yrs ago! Anyhoo, his God- Mother will be Julians sister laura, and the God-Father Julians brother Jr. They are both very excited about it!! I cant wait to baptize him, it will be such a special day!!

3rd Month

So the 3rd month, there is more to it than pooping, eating and sleeping. He plays with toys while on his back and I put him on his tummy one day and he didnt hate it so much anymore!! And he could lift his head very well now and used his arms to raise his chest off the floor. He started to try rolling over but he needed a little help. There was no doctor appointment this month. He likes being in his bouncer, and he now reaches for the little animals that hang infront of him. He also has one of those little play gyms, and he also reaches for the toys hanging above him. It comes with a little mirror which he loves looking in! And when I put him on his tummy he looks at all the colors on the play mat. I have also read to him since he was a newborn. He loves books with big pictures and lots of colors. When we are at a store he loves looking around and captures everything. I think he is going to be a smart boy! He already is a pretty smart baby. Also since month 2 he started sucking on his hands, we thought he was teething. This month he also started grabbing his feet, its soooo cute when I see him do that! And he likes sitting up when ppl hold him, he doesnt like it much when people hold him and make him lie down lol!

Month 2

This month got much better and a little easier, your a little more on schedule and gotten used to the sleep deprivation!! lol!! It seems like before I knew it I didnt have to get out of bed and position the boppy to feed him. He sleeps in our bed ( I know some of you are like, what no way!!) so come feeding time we would stay laying down to feed and he would dose off after he was full, and his feedings would take as long anymore. So I felt like I was getting a little more rest. Also during this month he stopped pooping after every single feeding! So I didnt have to change him until we got up in the morning!
Nicolas didnt like tummy time!! Doctor and books say to put him on his tummy for him to start strenghening his neck! But he hated it!! I wasnt too worried because I also read most babies do hate it, and in the end they end up developing just fine!

At his 2 month check up he got 2 shots which gave him a little fever and his legs were sore! I felt so bad for the little guy! But that was only one afternoon and the next day he was fine.

First Month

So we finally made it home!! I was so excited to finally be home with our baby boy! My mom helped do some cleaning around the house since we hadnt been home in a week! And Scottie our mini schnauzer stayed at her house. Nicolas was such a good baby that 1st day, he slept most of the time which gave me time to organize some stuff around the house.
We had lots of visitors of course! I feel lucky that he wasnt a colicy baby and he would eat, sleep, and poop.
During the night he would wake every 3 hours also, but it felt as if I didnt sleep 3 hours, felt more like 20 minutes of sleep and then it was time to get up and feed again! I feed him for about 30 minutes then burp him then either before or after every feeding I had to change his diaper because he had gone #1 and #2!!. Then time to swaddle him again so he could get back to sleep. It is a little draining especially since I was breastfeeding and there wasnt much Julian could help with.
The days would go by soooo fast! I felt like he was always in my arms because feeding time would come in a blink of an eye. I was a little sad that the days were going by so fast and my newborn would soon not be a newborn anymore!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Post delivery!

I'm back in recovery room. Julian comes back with pictures and my sister in law mysister and my aunt Graciela come in to congradulate us. Nurses wheel Nicolas in and let me feed him, then they take him away to give him a bath. I am taken to a new room and my parents and inlaws ad sibilings come to our room waiting for nurses to bring Nicolas from his bath, well 8pm o'clock comes and I call the nursery and they tell me they have to keep him because turns out he swallowed his poop ad they need to monitor his breathing!!

The family leaves disappointed. And im freaking out because I can't get out of bed to go see my baby! I'm still hooked up to iv and a catheder(sp?). I didn't get to see Nick until the next day at 5pm. But I did ask for a breast pump because I did want to breastfeed! Julian and a nurse helped me get out of bed an wheeled me into the Nicu to see my baby boy! It felt so good to finally see him but he had to stay in the nicu. But I did request they called me down for every feeding because I wanted to feed him.

So every 3hrs my wonderful husband helped me out of bed because oh boy was i sore from the c-section!! And he wheeled me to the nicu to feed our baby and spend time with him. I could feel us bonding as mommy and son! He ended up having to stay a full week!! Taking antibiotics and xrays to make sure his lungs were clear! Good thing i got to room in the hospital too if I would have had to go home andnleave Nick there I would have slept out in my car!! We were lucky our last 2nites there he got to stay in the room with us =).

Starting to blog about mommy hood!

Hello everyone! So Nicolas is now 4months, and iv been debating about starting a blog, and now I wish I would have started one while I was pregnant!! But anyways let's start back on the night i went into labor!!!....

So My duedate was April 12 according to my last period and April 7th according to my 1st sono!! And Dr. adami said he was still set pretty high so I thought I would go past my due date!! So it's April 6th, I go to work, pretty easy day, and while at work I get like this excited feeling in my tummy and I remember telling Nick is this some kind of sign?!

So I finish my work bosses are out of town and I call it an early day and I head home, I'm feeling really happy I didn't make dinner because my mom was making sopa de pescado, but I did make a delishious chocolate cake for dessert =) hubby was at school that night, so I drive to my moms who lives like 3miles away to pick up some soup, as I'm driving I feel a little crampy and I remember my co-worker Jordan said contractions start of feeling like period cramps.

It's about 8pm and I arrive at my moms house, I didn't mention anything because I didn't want to freak her out! She would have taken me to the hospital asap!! I texted my hubby that I thought it might be time but i wasn't sure yet so j leave my moms house and head back home, hubby's class let out early so he got home soon after me.

The cramps got a little more painful and I was trying to time them, but they were confusing, sometimes 5 min apart and sometimes 15!! So I finished packing the hospital bag, which was mostly ready and I had a list of last minute things to pack so I wouldn't forget! We head to the hospital. I made julian slow down during a contraction because any small bump in the road made it hurt worse!!

We make it to the hospital, I'm 1cm dialated! I'm gonna spare some details, but let's say the pain made me vomit and I was not 2cm!! Next they make me walk!! WTF I'm in all this pain and they make me walk!! So I do as I'm told because I know it's for the best! Oh and by the time I checked in the hospital it was now 10pm. 2hrs of labor so far.

Nurse called my doc and he said I could stay. We didn't call fAmily yet because I didn't think we should all lose sleep. Julian pulled out the sofa bed and I told him to try and get some sleep because I was gonna need him well rested! I got a little shut eye in between contractions!! My back was killing me though!!

About 5am I let my hubby call my mom, she was fixing to head to the gym and I could hear her yell to my sister Erika is gonna have the baby!! Julian we will be right over! So within 30 minutes my mom, stepdad and sister show up. I'm still having contractions but finally around 6 they give me an epidural!! And can I say wooooow those things are awsome!! I felt the releif instantly!!I felt much much better!!

I started texting everyone to let them know what was up. Called my bosses, Sharon was so excited, then I called Marty and I said can I have the day off and he was like yeah sure lol!!. I was dialating at a good rate, but then I got stuck at 9cm and they had me try pushing but I still had some cervix in the way that wouldn't allow nicks head to come out! So doc said we don't want to stress the baby, emergency c-section time!

I didn't freak out because all that mattered was that baby was safe and healthy. Plus I always told myself anything can happen so I had an open mind. What was frustrating was being tied down to a table! And I had so much Meds in me j had the shakes, which is normal! They cute me up and next thing I know I hear a cry and they hold him up for me to see him!! I remember looking at his face and thinking wow this is my son!! I finally met him face to face! he was born April 7th 4:50 pm 7pds 4oz 20inches long!They took him to the warm table to clean him up and I can still hear his crying! Julian leaves with the nurses and Nicolas while they finish stitching me up!

They take me back to my recovery room