Saturday, September 24, 2011

Life is good!!

Life is soo good! I can't complain, my life has never been terrible...growing up you have your teen drama and such...but then in met the most wonderful man who I have now had in my life for 7 years!!! And we had some great times just me and him together, and now we have something even greater in our lives! We have been parents for just about one and a half years!! I still can't believe it! God gave us this perfect little guy who fit right in with us from the start! He is such a great little man! So lovable so caring and a little dare devil!! He learns everything so fast...little mind like a super absorbent sponge!!! He says a lot more words now and can communicate better. And he always likes to try new things, he is a good healthy eater. I enjoy him so much everyday!
I don't hve much to say in this little blog today, I just wanted to share just how happy being Nick's mommy makes me. Even though I don't think I could ever put into words exactly all the love I feel for him!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Ha so we survived summer!!!! I was only the third of september when the weather took a drastic change from HELLA hot to nice breezes and temps in the 80's!! nice weather makes for a happier mommy lol because running errands in the heat is nooooo fun!
Any ways so wow really september! I didn't want the summer to end so fast even though the heat was ridiculous! We tried to enjoy it as much as we could, I wish we could have done more out door activities with Nicolas.
For example take him to the zoo!!! We took him last summer when he was almost 4 months old but of course we enjoyed it a lot more than he did. So since this week Julian and I both have vacation and the weather is finally so nice!! yay!! We are finally going to take nicolas to the zoo! I know he is going to love it so much!! Im so excited!
I know every parent must say this about their own kids, but gosh is nick so smart! He has really started to mock a lot of things we do, mostly facial expressions, but it is really funny to see this little guy scrunch his eye brows together, and I know he also uses the same hand gestures I use to explain things to him lol! too cute! He is saying more words now, really trying hard to talk, besides mama and da(daddy) and he tries to say grampa and says his uncle alex's name and in his own way his aunt Daniela. BAll, baby, bye, hi, shoes, and today he said keys!! And he knew they were daddy's keys so he said da key. I love it love it love it!! he is so much fun! And I shush the dog when he starts barking like crazy at the mail man or anyone he sees out walking and now nick beats me to it!! cracks me up!
I dont remember if I had mentioned we started swim classes! He has had 3 so far! during the first class he was being shy when he normally loves the pool! But classes two and three he was his happy splashy self!
I still cant get over watching him discover new things and new toys and the way his little imagination works! I don't think I will ever get tired of this. I love taking him to playgrounds to play with other kids. He really enjoys meeting new kids everywhere. Oh and he is so helpful he likes to help me carry things, and he helps me pick up his toys. Actually tonight after he was done with his bath I always sing the clean up song to pick up the bath toys and today he actually tired to sing it!! I almost died!! before i know it he will be talking our ears off!! lol!!
And he still really loves our dog, they play rough but they really love each other. And I know nick is super happy to wake up and daddy to still be in bed with us! He wakes up and he tells me da da and points that daddy is still there. Usually he askes about da and I tell him he is at work.
I am fully enjoying my boys this week, we have also done some end of summer cleaning and shopping hehe!! Its so great to have a week to really enjoy each other and our now super clean home!
Whoo hoo cant wait for the zoo tomorrow!!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Finding Balance

I have a lot on my plate these days, and I try to do the best at everything I do. But it is hard, first of all I try to be the best mom to Nicolas, I want to find plenty of time to play with him, cuddle him, teach him new things, but I am also still a wife and I have to find time for hubby and me time, which we do get in the evenings after nick falls asleep, and if I don't have a million things to clean or do before getting to bed, then we sometimes watch a movie together in the living room, or even just chat about random things. And I also have to work, some days from home and some days at the office. I doesn't sound like many things to stress about, but my house always needs to be cleaned, I cook more often than I used to because I don't want to feed nick canned or a ton of processed food. So theres the kitchen mess to clean afterwards. And we finally signed up at the gym because believe it or not I am just about 25 and stopped working out pretty much since I met julian lol. So its really time to get back in shape, also because I want to set a good example for Nicolas, I want him to learn early on that working out should be part of our daily lives and it will help us stay healthy and happier. So there is another thing i need to cram onto my plate!! I do enjoy the work out, but the problem has always been finding the time!! But so far so good.
Also we are dying to get out of town for a while, we are in desperate need!! Being locked up most of the day all summer sucks!! We either have to go out and have some fun early in the day before it gets too hot or anytime after 4pm when there is shade in the backyard and we can hangout with out turning too brown lol!! Im hanging in there though because I know a good Vacay is coming to us very soon!
And wow I am turning 25 in 10 days!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

New Schedule

For about a week now Nicolas has only been taking one nap for 1-2 hrs around noon. I don't mind him only having one nap, on the plus side it's easier to put him down at night because he is so tired. He goes to bed early 8-9pm and sleeps better through the night. Only con is that he is a little cranky in the afternoons. It would b nice if he took a short cat nap. But he refuses! Iv even tKen him forna car ride to try and get him to take an afternoon nap, but he will not close those little eyes. And im much more exhausted myself because it's beating having him be fussy in the afternoons!! I feel like I need a nap myself lol!! But this is only a phase I tell ,myself, this shall pass. I know his little body is also adjusting to this new one nap a day.

Friday, July 1, 2011

My Big Boy!

As much as I wish Nicolas would stay my little baby forever, I also enjoy watching him grow! Its so amazing to me still how much he learns and how he plays. He loves to make a mess all over the house. I have ABC magnets all over the refridgerator, he pulls out tupper wear and pots and pans. If he catches me with the fridge open while im cooking, its like an invatation for him to play in it. he pulls out anything he can get his hands on, but this week he started putting things back inside! Yay! Also when he takes his bath he has started helping me clean his toys up before taking him out of the tub. And of course he claps after he helps me with something, he loves the praise. lol. And he is learning to throw trash away, but then he wants to pull it back out. He also likes to play with a little bowl or plate and a spoon, he looks like he pretends to cook, and then he "feeds" me or julian or even the dog lol!! ITs toooo cute! I love it! And he has learned to "brush" his hair. And today he was brushing mine. it was fun! He was very proud of him self. He also recently learned to climb up on his rocking horse all by himself, and he knows how to rock it back and forth. Im such a proud mom!! Im so crazy about my Boy! And he is just the sweetest thing to me! I love when he cuddles with me when he is going down for a nap. I love his hugs and his kisses! Speaking of kisses, this moring he woke up like at 5:45am because last night he went to bed really early, and he was giving me and julian kisses to wake us up. Then he would kiss his stuffed duck and make us give the duck kisses too! I couldnt help but crack up!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Start of Summer

So the May craziness is over! We survived daddy's trip to California lol! The first week he was gone was a little tought mostly in the evenings and bedtime. But the second week went by soooo fast! So Nick and I ended up going to California Friday to Monday. But technically we got back Tuesday morning. Let me tell you about that terrible experience. So Monday we had a 3:50pm flight home. And Because of the bad weather here in Dallas our flight was delayed twice. A total of 8 hours!! Stuck in the small ass airport of Burbank California!! Ugh! I spend ours just chasing Nick around the sitting area. Then he finally took a nap and there for when we boarded the plane he woke up. And he was still sleepy BUT couldn't stay asleep bc I think his little ears were hurting! So he cried the last 1.5 hr of the flight home. My nerves were on end! I was a little embarassed and stressed that I couldn't keep him quiet. I couldn't look any one in the face. But once we landed Nick was a happy baby. And A lot of ppl told me its ok not to worry and I apologized anyway! Except for one A-hole. I shouldn't even mention him, but he was a little rude to me. And I did tell him off. But as I was loading Nick into his stroller in the terminal, I just broke down crying from all the stress!! I just needed to cry it out. I had several nice old lady's console me. And another guy said it was ok he has been there with his little girls. So anyway we landed at 1:40am tuesday morning. Ugh!! my mom and sis picked us up from the airport. I was just so tired and glad they were there to help me carry everything including Nick! We got to my house with a sleeping baby. And I have never been more happy to be home.
So moving on, it took me a few days to recuperate from that flight back home. Hubby came home friday and he was also very happy to be back home. We were supposed to go to Oklahoma the nect day for my cousins Quinceanera. And we were not looking forward to the drive there and back. And I have to say I guess we went ment to go because I ended up getting soooo sick!!! Friday night I started with a sore throat, and by saturday morning I had a fever and was so tired and had an achy body. So there was no point in me trying to go to an out of town party. Besides we didn't miss out on much lol. Cool thing is we had a 3 day weekend. So we were able to enjoy being back home together.
Now about Nick, He is just running around the house now. He is such a menace sometimes lol!! Little ball of energy! He loves playing with Scottie our mini schnauzer, he likes to share his food and snacks with him. Which is fine, but Nick expects scottie to do the same lol! While our dog eats nick goes over to the food bowl and tried to take some of his kibble and put it in his mouth!! They are such good friends I love it!! And Scottie has always been a good dog, but now with Nicolas I feel that he is an even better dog!! He used to bounce around on our couches and bed and walk all over our laps. But since Nick came home he doesn't bounce around any more. And he knows not to bark at peaple walking outside, specially when baby is sleeping because he will wake him. He puts up with all the pulling of his beard. And he loves to get hugs from Nick!!
Nick really loves all his family, he plays with them all in different ways. He rough houses with his uncles Jr and Alex. He gives tough love to his aunts Dani and Laura. He loves for them to mush over him and beg him for kisses, and he ignores them on purpose. He knows his abuelo Lupe dances with him. And his grandmothers take him for walks outside. And his other grandpa Jose just mushes over him and is so impressed by how smart a baby he is. With daddy he likes cuddling and being goofy. And Mommy...Well we do all kinds of stuff together! From cuddling, to playing outside, and playing on the floor together. We have some good special times.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

up late and alone

Im up late and pretty much alone except for baby sleeping in my room. Its thursday, almost midnight and my hubby left to California for work on Sunday. And my mom took our dog Scottie to her house tonight because Nick and I have an early flight tomorrow. Im excited and doubt I will get any sleep tonight, but at the same time hoping and praying nick will be a good baby on the plane for 3 hours!! ahh! So its been about a week now that nick has really taken off walking. He walks around the house like such a big boy. I can tell he is very proud of himself. And I am one proud momma!! But I now understand why other older parents would be like you don't want him to walk, when he tries, push him down lol!! Not that I don't want him to walk, but I get it now. They become even more of a handful because they don't know about falling and hurting themselves.
So these past few days that I have been sans a hubby, hasn't been too bad, Im the mommy and I am used to doing most things for nick anyway, I am the one here during the day with him, and Im the wifey that cooks and cleans the house, so nothing has changed much except hubby being here in the evenings to eat dinner with us and enjoy our house. So yea its a little weird at night. Especially when we are in bed with out daddy. But my sister has spend 2 nights here to keep us company, and that has helped me keep my mind of off missing my hubby too bad.
Also on the Sunday that hubby left, we went out to dinner with my mom, sister, baby and my 2 aunts to celebrate my moms birthday with was the next day. We went to Salt Grass!! Yum!! Then on Monday the day of her birthday we went to dinner with my step dad, and 2 of my cousins to Gloria's. Then a week from today is my mother in laws birthday. Julia will still be in California until the next day which is Friday. He gets home that evening, then we head to Oklahoma for my cousin's Quinceanera. Crazy busy May I tell you!! THe 15 is on saturday, then our goddaughter Maria Mercedes does her confirmation on Sunday also in Oklahoma!! Ahhhh! We will never make it home lol!! Good thing Monday will be a holiday and hopefully give us a break and chance to regroup and prepare for a normal schedule again!!
Something I have learned in these 13 months of being a mommy, is that at first the hard part is all the sleep loss, and when baby starts sleeping more, then there is the he needs to be entertained more, and then they learn to sit, and walk and crawl and now Walk!! Certain things get easier and other things get harder, so it all balances out, and mommies never get a break,and we are always tired...but i love being Nick's mom and Julians wife, I wouldn't change it for the world!!!

I know very random stuff, but thats all that just rambles around in my head!!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Hands full!!

I know I always say every day this kiddo gets smarter and becomes more of a monkey. A monkey stunt man lol!! He likes to climb on everything, things he shouldn't of course!! He keeps me on my toes though!!
But I love it!! Even when Im tired, I always appreciate that he is healthy enough to be such a monkey! Thank goodness his tummy virus is gone! He is back to eating his regular food instead of just living off of soy milk, crackers, bananas and apple sauce!! I could tell he was feeling better when he would (in his baby talk and sign language) tell me that he wanted some other food, and he would eat more!! He now drinks 8-10oz of milk instead of 6oz. Also with solid food, the boy can really eat now!! I think he may be going through a growth spurt. And now if he sees us snacking on something...he wants a snack too! So I try to eat at the same time he does if not he will be eating all day!! Oh yesterday I let him try some peanut butter for the first time on a cracker, he really liked it!! And he hasn't shown signs of being allergic so thats a good thing.
And omg its May 2nd and this texas weather is crazy! its been raining since all last night and its 46degrees outside!! CRAZY!!!!!!
I also cant believe this sunday is Mothers day!! IT will be my second mothers day with my little guy!! How awesome! Here goes the start to a busy May as always!! I think we have figured out what to get our mothers for mothers day and their birthdays!! Since like I mentioned in my last blog all this month! And My cousins 15 is May 27th so have to find a gift for her and something to wear for myself baby and hubby!
One thing I am not looking forward to this month is my hubby leaving on a business trip for two weeks to Cali!! We were going to join him for a few days....but its frowned upon! And besides the hassle!! I all by myself would have to lug around our luggage, a carseat and stroller!! to cali and back!!! Yea so, we agreed it would be better to just take a Family vacation at the end of the summer. But its gonna suck! We are gonna be really lonely with out daddy!! But we will survive!!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Never ending craziness

Oh boy May is just a few days away!! May is always a crazy month for us. Mothers day, presents for both my mom and mother in law, and now me lol!! Also both our mothers birthdays are in May, my moms the 16th and MIL the 26th. More presents, plus we always have graduations and such with means buying more presents!! ahhh!!
So just when I thought the stress of Fall market and Nick's first birthday party were over, I remember May is just about here, and besides that, I have come to realize my house is due for some spring cleaning, mostly two closets and the office area, the desk is not a complete mess but it does need some organizing. I cant seem to work comfortably in there. And since im somewhat of a neat freak it highly annoys and stresses me out. So I do need to make the time to organize. Its just hard to do so with work and a baby.
So Newbies, Nick has gotten better at walking, but only walks when he really feels its nessesary, he isn't like most babies once they learn to walk you cant stop them, he doesn't care much for it. Seems like he prefers to crawl around still, and thats ok. He gets funnier and smarter every day, he always surprises me with something new he learns, and I can never believe how such a little person knows how to do certain things and how fast he gets the hang of things. He doesn't talk but he seriously knows how to get his point across. He lets me know when he is thirsty or wants a snack, or wants to go play outside, or if he wants me to carry him to a different room. And he really loves attention when we are out shopping, he smiles and waves at everyone. And all the ladies young and old love how he is such a flirt!
I have so much fun with my little man, I love watching him learn new things, i like to see the look on his face as he figures out how something works. Those little wheels in his head are turning round and round.
My last post was about his poopy, turns out he had a tummy virus, and the doc said it just needed to pass on its own w/o meeds. I just couldnt give him milk, no whole milk or formula, just soy milk, banana, apple sauce, crackers. And that seemed to help a lot. Today he was really able to eat mor variety of food, I could tell he was feeling better because he was asking for real food besides what the doc recommended. And I guess his virus is just about gone bc he didn't mess his pants after eating. So that makes me happy of course that he is feeling better. Only issue is that since he was sick we took a break from the weaning of the bottle and now he is hooked on it again. So we are back to square one. But thats all part of it.....until next time.

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Ok Today I have to blog about a mess I have been cleaning up all day today!! you never get used to it not matter how many times it happens, POOP!!! Holy Moly!! I think its the teething that is causing this or also the new whole milk thing, or a combo of both, But this kiddos poop has not been retained by his diaper! today alone and its only 3:30 pm I have changed...or I cant even say changed...cleaned up messes!! all three times I have had to stick him in the tub to remove his clothes and wash him down. It comes out the back out around the legs ughhh!! And the stink ohhhh the stink!! its worse than ever, those diapers cant even go in the diaper geanie, those got in a plastic bag and in the dumpster outside!! And this last mess of today so far, he had just finished having his lunch when I heard the squish!! I pulled him out of his highchair, and it dripped down his pant leg all over the highchair and the floor!! I could not believe it!
So i decided after messing 3 pairs of pants, he would go pants less, just a diaper and t-shirt. And while i cleaned the nastiness, he played happily on his lightening mcqueen car zooming around the living room. Gotta love the joys of motherhood. And that my friends was my blog about POOP!!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

keeping up

Here we are a little over a week from Nick's 1st birthday and his birthday party. The past week was pretty great. I feel a little more stress free getting the birthday party out of the way. And the nice weather makes for good moods too!!
So this past week on thursday we tried real whole milk for the 1st time, He didn't even notice the difference which is a really good thing. I put it in his bottle for a few feedings while I shopped for some new sippy cups that I thought he might really like putting his new milk in, we were do in for some new big boy sippy cups because his other ones were 6months plus.
Well the new sippy cups he likes, but only to sip water, i tried the milk in there and he just literally sips, doesn't down the whole 6oz of milk like he does in his I guess this is where the challenge begins.
I cant complain, I think we have been pretty lucky with him, his teething has never been bad, or any other new introductions like new foods he always takes to easily too, there was bound to be a challenge lol!! But im not worried and im not gonna pressure him, i know this is doable, doc said it could take at least 3 months and we are barely on 3 we have time!
He is also walking, taking slow baby steps, short distances, he is doing very well im proud of him, he is gaining more confidence. The other day was hilarious because he was using his little plastic bat as a cane sort of and he walked from the living room to the kitchen !! HA!!
He ejoys watching his daddy work on yard stuff outside, he loves playing with cars and drives them all around the house. lets just say he knows how to make a mess, but its ok, I actually kinda love when I put him to bed and I come back to the living room to clean it up and it just makes me happy to see all the toys he plays with. I really do enjoy being mommy to this awesome sweet boy!! He is just the best!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Birthday Party

Nicolas' birthday party was this past saturday april 9th 2011! and let me tell you it was soooo freaking awesome!! Let me start from the beginning. I intended on waking at 7 to give me time to fix my hair w/o a little booger demanding attention, well i was so exhausted from friday night, stayed up late putting goodie bags together and finding creative ways to put the plastic utensils out lol.. anyway so i woke up at 8 and as i get out of the shower Nick wakes up! little man must of known it was gonna be his special day!! So he was good though, hubby fed him breakfast to give me time to fix my hair, and then set up the tables and chairs and few decorations outside.

Then my sister inlaw shows up with the fabulous cakes, and my mom was in charge of the food. So on the invitation I put starting time at 12:30 because I know my mexican peeps are always running on what i call mexican time. which means show up to a party two hours after the scheduled time on the invitation. Well you can count on just about everyone to get there at 2:15!! I started freaking out a little because the petting zoo got there at 2pm to start setting up and they would be ready for the kids to play at 2:30. So yes everyone was super late but im very glad they all got there in time to enjoy the zoo til 4pm.

Then it was piƱata time. We had a cute cowboy boot made to go with the cowboy theme of the party. That sucker was made to last, after all the little kids hit it, the big kids took turns and these kids were 8-12 and they had the hardest time breaking it!! lol. Then followed the cake, that was fun too!! Aunt Laura brought cupcakes with little farm animals on them, then a sheet cake with nicolas' picture on it framed by Wanted sign, and then a mini personal cake specially for nick!! We all sang happy birthday, made a wish and blew out the candle, and out nicolas got to dig in to his mini cake, and boy did he make a mess!! but we all got great pictures for memories, and nick even gave daddy and I and tast of his cake. After the cake the kiddo was such a mess i took off his clothes in the tub, and gave him a fast bath lol!! and some new clothes and he was back outside to say by to most our guests.

poor guy was pretty exhausted, he took a nap while we chilled outside with a few leftover guests, after he woke up we decided to open presents, he got an awesome amount of clothes for the summer!! and a few pretty cool toys too!!

Im so glad the party was such a success!! We kept it small and all about the kids!! Everyone had a great time!! Oh and i forgot to mention..we had a pony for pony rides come along with the petting zoo too!! we got the babies for babies pkg for kids under 3. they are so great!

Friday, April 8, 2011


I am officially the mother of a todder!! Its so crazy to me, yesterday I would think back to being in the hospital, and at 4:50 my baby boy was born, today he would only be a day old!! But here we are a year later and we have the best little boy we could have asked for!

So yesterday was so busy and crazy but a great first birthday for our little boy. Morning started off with a 9am doctor appt for his 12 month checkup. He got 3 shots =(  i felt worse than usual about them because it was his birthday! Then to make me feel even worse..I had to take him to Quest Diagnostics to get blood drawn, than wasnt fun!!

But we got through it and there went our morning! then daddy wanted us to meet for lunch. So we had lunch with daddy. After I had some shopping to do for his party, then we had to pick up my sister from school.

We made our way to buil a bear factory. It was fun, he picked out a cute puppy. And we dressed him with a bandana. And my mom met us there, then we played by the fountain at the mall and joined my mom and sister for their late lunch.

finally at about 4pm we headed home, it was time for nick to take a nap. So while he napped i caught up on house work and chatted with a few friends on facebook. Then daddy got home, took us out to dinner, and came home to meet grandparents and uncle alex from daddy's side. Nick was in such a good mood and was he entertainment like always, and we had a mini cake and we sang happy birthday to our baby.

And it was the end of the was a great day full of happiness and love for our baby boy!! Now for more fun at his birthday party tomorrow!! Im so excited and cant wait to see the look on nicks face when he sees the set up and all the balloons which he loves! And all the little activities we have planned for he kiddos!! And remember im bad at postin pics on my blog so check them out on my facebook!! lol!!

Monday, April 4, 2011

3 More days til the big

Jeez..So in 3 days our little man will turn ONE!!!! Can I believe it?...NO!! these last few days Iv just been thinking back to all his firsts. all the first holidays, all his little baby discoveries, and all his silly little things he does. I swear he is a baby comidian... or a clown as his daddy calls him.

This week is going to be soooo crazy for me! Tomorrow I am taking him to take his One year Birthday pictures. And between working, and getting last minute birthday party things out of the way, then he has his 12 month check up on the day of his Birthday!! Im excited about his birthday party, celebrating with friends and family. We have some fun baby things planned for the party.

Its funny this sunday my sister in law was holding him and giving him kisses and she said, next time I see Nick he will be ONE!!!!

Its crazy I will officially have a toddler!! I will catch you up with the birthday week hopefully thursday or friday..If im not too busy going crazy !! lol!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

almost there....

Oy...its the end of march. Big week this coming week, Fall 2011 Market at work, blah its gonna b crazy!!

So this weekend was great..not nearly long enough but great weather puts me in a super mood!! Nicolas enjoys it too because we spend more time playing outdoors. We just installed his bike seat on my bike and he totally loves it!!. We are also giving our backyard a face lift to get ready for Spring, we will be spending a lot of time out there BC nick is such a boy and loves the outdoors!!.

He is still being too chicken to let go of furniture to walk to us, he gets down and crawls instead. But in a way its ok I'm enjoying carrying him around still.

His birthday planning is going super. Have most of the shopping done.

At the moment my little goof ball is trying to bite my toes lol. Oh and he is expanding his "vocabulary" he says ball=BA, dog=woow woow. And when he bumps into something says ouch.

One week from today and our boy will be one!!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

keeping busy...

I should really get my new post thoughts together before starting each post, but keeping up with an almost 11 month old keeps me so busy its hard to think straight..EVER!! Thats why sometimes I just ramble on these posts, also I always try to type up a blog post on my cell in between being a mom, and keeping my house together and in between working from home!!

New Stuff!! Nicolas took 1 step the other day! I was so Excited!! But he continues being a little chicken about it lol!! Another Fabulous thing is my wonderful husband got a job with Farmers Insurance Claims Department, He starts his first day on Monday Feb.28th! We are very happy for daddy he really deserves this job!

On wednesday of this past week I had to take Nicolas for his first dentist visit. What happen was that he was standing holding on to a chair and he slipped and hit his mouth on the chair, his gum got cut and I was afraid it could be something more serious so I took him to he dentist to get checked out. Everything turned out great thank God!! His gum was just a little swollen and made the "trauma" as they called it look worse than it was. Whew!!

So we are working on Nick's first birthday party..I know still 5 weeks away but we want it to be xtra special because its his 1st and of course he is the first grandbaby on both sides of the family. We have such good and fun ideas planned...but I cant give it all away in this blog bc I want somethings to be a surprise for our guests. Even though we are Mexican we are trying to do this more White style and make it about the kiddos and not so much for the grown ups lol!! and we are cutting down the hours too!! Very Kid friendly!

In one week and 2 days I will have an 11 month old!! But he is soooo great and I thank god every single night for him. For giving us this wonderful little boy to look over!

I also need to give a "shout out" lol to my awsome friend and co-worker Lindsey Gore!!  She has a little two month old baby girl named McClain and we are just two crazy mommies! We love sharing stories about our kiddos and our mommy experiances. I really enjoy working with this Girl she is the GREATEST!!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

I know its about time!!

Sorry friends its been a loooong time!! Iv just been soooo busy watching my baby grow and learn and just flat out enjoying him. I swear I couldnt have asked for a better baby boy! Its the middle of february and I will try to remember all that has been going on since I last blogged back in December.

So Christmas was great I dont remember if I talked about that in my December blog. We had Christmas dinner at my moms house, and we opened presents. Cant beleive Nick stayed up so late to play with all his new stuff.

January-it was an odd start to the year, all the festivities were over, we were shopped out from all the Christmas present shopping. I have to say I am glad the month didnt go by extremly fast, so we were able to enjoy the begining of the year. Now about Nicolas...he stands very well on his own now, his legs are very strong..but the little booger is too chicken to actually take steps on his own. He crawls super fast and stands from any piece of furniture, and he gets into sqwat position and back up super easy, he has some serious baby muscles in those legs!!! We stand infront of him when he is free standing and tell him to come to us but he just gets all excited and lets himself fall forward lol!! lucky we are there to catch him.

February-Baby's first Valentines day!! He wore a shirt that said Mommy's Heartbreaker! Hubby and I dont go all out on Valentines Day, we hate to go out to croweded restaurants on a special day like that, so we would rather just cook up something out of the usual and enjoy it at home. We cooked up some ribs, mashed potatoes, corn, texas toast. And for dessert Ice Cream and Cake!! Yum!!!!! And yes we lite a candle to set the mood lol! And baby sat in his highchair and enjoyed dinner with us.

Nicolas now has gotten so creative at playing with his toys, I enjoy watching him when he plays on his own. He also loves to play with his bouncey ball with us. we sit across from him and he throws it, and it bounces pretty good toward us. And sometimes it bounces away from us and he crawls to go get it back and sometimes he gets mad at the ball and crys on his way to get it, maybe he thinks crying with get the ball to stop rolling away from us lol!!

He likes to make funny faces, loves to give kisses and is super cuddly with mommy!!! Its the best thing in the world, and will never get old.

Eating habits. Just has two bottles a day. And 3 solid meals. We give him chicken and broccoli, corn, apples, pears, beans!! he loves mexican home made beans!! like his mommy!! lol!!

He also loves books! I hope he always will, I always loved to read and still do! He likes when we read to him and even when he is playing or riding in a car we carry books for him and he likes to look thru them. its so cute!

So Nicolas is a little over 10 Months now and he weighs 20pds and is 29 inches long. And with his birthday about a month and a half away we are already planning. We have the theme set. And we have gone over everything, now we just have to shop and get all the supplies and order stuff we need to order ahead of time. Its gonna be great! Im excited but I dont want it to get here too soon. Im in no rush for him to be 1 lol!!

Well until next time...I know I need to post pics! But if your reading this you are more than likley my friend on Facebook and I have plenty of Pics!!