Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Finding Balance

I have a lot on my plate these days, and I try to do the best at everything I do. But it is hard, first of all I try to be the best mom to Nicolas, I want to find plenty of time to play with him, cuddle him, teach him new things, but I am also still a wife and I have to find time for hubby and me time, which we do get in the evenings after nick falls asleep, and if I don't have a million things to clean or do before getting to bed, then we sometimes watch a movie together in the living room, or even just chat about random things. And I also have to work, some days from home and some days at the office. I know..it doesn't sound like many things to stress about, but my house always needs to be cleaned, I cook more often than I used to because I don't want to feed nick canned or a ton of processed food. So theres the kitchen mess to clean afterwards. And we finally signed up at the gym because believe it or not I am just about 25 and stopped working out pretty much since I met julian lol. So its really time to get back in shape, also because I want to set a good example for Nicolas, I want him to learn early on that working out should be part of our daily lives and it will help us stay healthy and happier. So there is another thing i need to cram onto my plate!! I do enjoy the work out, but the problem has always been finding the time!! But so far so good.
Also we are dying to get out of town for a while, we are in desperate need!! Being locked up most of the day all summer sucks!! We either have to go out and have some fun early in the day before it gets too hot or anytime after 4pm when there is shade in the backyard and we can hangout with out turning too brown lol!! Im hanging in there though because I know a good Vacay is coming to us very soon!
And wow I am turning 25 in 10 days!