Saturday, February 26, 2011

keeping busy...

I should really get my new post thoughts together before starting each post, but keeping up with an almost 11 month old keeps me so busy its hard to think straight..EVER!! Thats why sometimes I just ramble on these posts, also I always try to type up a blog post on my cell in between being a mom, and keeping my house together and in between working from home!!

New Stuff!! Nicolas took 1 step the other day! I was so Excited!! But he continues being a little chicken about it lol!! Another Fabulous thing is my wonderful husband got a job with Farmers Insurance Claims Department, He starts his first day on Monday Feb.28th! We are very happy for daddy he really deserves this job!

On wednesday of this past week I had to take Nicolas for his first dentist visit. What happen was that he was standing holding on to a chair and he slipped and hit his mouth on the chair, his gum got cut and I was afraid it could be something more serious so I took him to he dentist to get checked out. Everything turned out great thank God!! His gum was just a little swollen and made the "trauma" as they called it look worse than it was. Whew!!

So we are working on Nick's first birthday party..I know still 5 weeks away but we want it to be xtra special because its his 1st and of course he is the first grandbaby on both sides of the family. We have such good and fun ideas planned...but I cant give it all away in this blog bc I want somethings to be a surprise for our guests. Even though we are Mexican we are trying to do this more White style and make it about the kiddos and not so much for the grown ups lol!! and we are cutting down the hours too!! Very Kid friendly!

In one week and 2 days I will have an 11 month old!! But he is soooo great and I thank god every single night for him. For giving us this wonderful little boy to look over!

I also need to give a "shout out" lol to my awsome friend and co-worker Lindsey Gore!!  She has a little two month old baby girl named McClain and we are just two crazy mommies! We love sharing stories about our kiddos and our mommy experiances. I really enjoy working with this Girl she is the GREATEST!!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

I know its about time!!

Sorry friends its been a loooong time!! Iv just been soooo busy watching my baby grow and learn and just flat out enjoying him. I swear I couldnt have asked for a better baby boy! Its the middle of february and I will try to remember all that has been going on since I last blogged back in December.

So Christmas was great I dont remember if I talked about that in my December blog. We had Christmas dinner at my moms house, and we opened presents. Cant beleive Nick stayed up so late to play with all his new stuff.

January-it was an odd start to the year, all the festivities were over, we were shopped out from all the Christmas present shopping. I have to say I am glad the month didnt go by extremly fast, so we were able to enjoy the begining of the year. Now about Nicolas...he stands very well on his own now, his legs are very strong..but the little booger is too chicken to actually take steps on his own. He crawls super fast and stands from any piece of furniture, and he gets into sqwat position and back up super easy, he has some serious baby muscles in those legs!!! We stand infront of him when he is free standing and tell him to come to us but he just gets all excited and lets himself fall forward lol!! lucky we are there to catch him.

February-Baby's first Valentines day!! He wore a shirt that said Mommy's Heartbreaker! Hubby and I dont go all out on Valentines Day, we hate to go out to croweded restaurants on a special day like that, so we would rather just cook up something out of the usual and enjoy it at home. We cooked up some ribs, mashed potatoes, corn, texas toast. And for dessert Ice Cream and Cake!! Yum!!!!! And yes we lite a candle to set the mood lol! And baby sat in his highchair and enjoyed dinner with us.

Nicolas now has gotten so creative at playing with his toys, I enjoy watching him when he plays on his own. He also loves to play with his bouncey ball with us. we sit across from him and he throws it, and it bounces pretty good toward us. And sometimes it bounces away from us and he crawls to go get it back and sometimes he gets mad at the ball and crys on his way to get it, maybe he thinks crying with get the ball to stop rolling away from us lol!!

He likes to make funny faces, loves to give kisses and is super cuddly with mommy!!! Its the best thing in the world, and will never get old.

Eating habits. Just has two bottles a day. And 3 solid meals. We give him chicken and broccoli, corn, apples, pears, beans!! he loves mexican home made beans!! like his mommy!! lol!!

He also loves books! I hope he always will, I always loved to read and still do! He likes when we read to him and even when he is playing or riding in a car we carry books for him and he likes to look thru them. its so cute!

So Nicolas is a little over 10 Months now and he weighs 20pds and is 29 inches long. And with his birthday about a month and a half away we are already planning. We have the theme set. And we have gone over everything, now we just have to shop and get all the supplies and order stuff we need to order ahead of time. Its gonna be great! Im excited but I dont want it to get here too soon. Im in no rush for him to be 1 lol!!

Well until next time...I know I need to post pics! But if your reading this you are more than likley my friend on Facebook and I have plenty of Pics!!