Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Never ending craziness

Oh boy May is just a few days away!! May is always a crazy month for us. Mothers day, presents for both my mom and mother in law, and now me lol!! Also both our mothers birthdays are in May, my moms the 16th and MIL the 26th. More presents, plus we always have graduations and such with means buying more presents!! ahhh!!
So just when I thought the stress of Fall market and Nick's first birthday party were over, I remember May is just about here, and besides that, I have come to realize my house is due for some spring cleaning, mostly two closets and the office area, the desk is not a complete mess but it does need some organizing. I cant seem to work comfortably in there. And since im somewhat of a neat freak it highly annoys and stresses me out. So I do need to make the time to organize. Its just hard to do so with work and a baby.
So Newbies, Nick has gotten better at walking, but only walks when he really feels its nessesary, he isn't like most babies once they learn to walk you cant stop them, he doesn't care much for it. Seems like he prefers to crawl around still, and thats ok. He gets funnier and smarter every day, he always surprises me with something new he learns, and I can never believe how such a little person knows how to do certain things and how fast he gets the hang of things. He doesn't talk but he seriously knows how to get his point across. He lets me know when he is thirsty or wants a snack, or wants to go play outside, or if he wants me to carry him to a different room. And he really loves attention when we are out shopping, he smiles and waves at everyone. And all the ladies young and old love how he is such a flirt!
I have so much fun with my little man, I love watching him learn new things, i like to see the look on his face as he figures out how something works. Those little wheels in his head are turning round and round.
My last post was about his poopy, turns out he had a tummy virus, and the doc said it just needed to pass on its own w/o meeds. I just couldnt give him milk, no whole milk or formula, just soy milk, banana, apple sauce, crackers. And that seemed to help a lot. Today he was really able to eat mor variety of food, I could tell he was feeling better because he was asking for real food besides what the doc recommended. And I guess his virus is just about gone bc he didn't mess his pants after eating. So that makes me happy of course that he is feeling better. Only issue is that since he was sick we took a break from the weaning of the bottle and now he is hooked on it again. So we are back to square one. But thats all part of it.....until next time.

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Ok Today I have to blog about a mess I have been cleaning up all day today!! you never get used to it not matter how many times it happens, POOP!!! Holy Moly!! I think its the teething that is causing this or also the new whole milk thing, or a combo of both, But this kiddos poop has not been retained by his diaper! today alone and its only 3:30 pm I have changed...or I cant even say changed...cleaned up messes!! all three times I have had to stick him in the tub to remove his clothes and wash him down. It comes out the back out around the legs ughhh!! And the stink ohhhh the stink!! its worse than ever, those diapers cant even go in the diaper geanie, those got in a plastic bag and in the dumpster outside!! And this last mess of today so far, he had just finished having his lunch when I heard the squish!! I pulled him out of his highchair, and it dripped down his pant leg all over the highchair and the floor!! I could not believe it!
So i decided after messing 3 pairs of pants, he would go pants less, just a diaper and t-shirt. And while i cleaned the nastiness, he played happily on his lightening mcqueen car zooming around the living room. Gotta love the joys of motherhood. And that my friends was my blog about POOP!!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

keeping up

Here we are a little over a week from Nick's 1st birthday and his birthday party. The past week was pretty great. I feel a little more stress free getting the birthday party out of the way. And the nice weather makes for good moods too!!
So this past week on thursday we tried real whole milk for the 1st time, He didn't even notice the difference which is a really good thing. I put it in his bottle for a few feedings while I shopped for some new sippy cups that I thought he might really like putting his new milk in, we were do in for some new big boy sippy cups because his other ones were 6months plus.
Well the new sippy cups he likes, but only to sip water, i tried the milk in there and he just literally sips, doesn't down the whole 6oz of milk like he does in his I guess this is where the challenge begins.
I cant complain, I think we have been pretty lucky with him, his teething has never been bad, or any other new introductions like new foods he always takes to easily too, there was bound to be a challenge lol!! But im not worried and im not gonna pressure him, i know this is doable, doc said it could take at least 3 months and we are barely on 3 we have time!
He is also walking, taking slow baby steps, short distances, he is doing very well im proud of him, he is gaining more confidence. The other day was hilarious because he was using his little plastic bat as a cane sort of and he walked from the living room to the kitchen !! HA!!
He ejoys watching his daddy work on yard stuff outside, he loves playing with cars and drives them all around the house. lets just say he knows how to make a mess, but its ok, I actually kinda love when I put him to bed and I come back to the living room to clean it up and it just makes me happy to see all the toys he plays with. I really do enjoy being mommy to this awesome sweet boy!! He is just the best!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Birthday Party

Nicolas' birthday party was this past saturday april 9th 2011! and let me tell you it was soooo freaking awesome!! Let me start from the beginning. I intended on waking at 7 to give me time to fix my hair w/o a little booger demanding attention, well i was so exhausted from friday night, stayed up late putting goodie bags together and finding creative ways to put the plastic utensils out lol.. anyway so i woke up at 8 and as i get out of the shower Nick wakes up! little man must of known it was gonna be his special day!! So he was good though, hubby fed him breakfast to give me time to fix my hair, and then set up the tables and chairs and few decorations outside.

Then my sister inlaw shows up with the fabulous cakes, and my mom was in charge of the food. So on the invitation I put starting time at 12:30 because I know my mexican peeps are always running on what i call mexican time. which means show up to a party two hours after the scheduled time on the invitation. Well you can count on just about everyone to get there at 2:15!! I started freaking out a little because the petting zoo got there at 2pm to start setting up and they would be ready for the kids to play at 2:30. So yes everyone was super late but im very glad they all got there in time to enjoy the zoo til 4pm.

Then it was piƱata time. We had a cute cowboy boot made to go with the cowboy theme of the party. That sucker was made to last, after all the little kids hit it, the big kids took turns and these kids were 8-12 and they had the hardest time breaking it!! lol. Then followed the cake, that was fun too!! Aunt Laura brought cupcakes with little farm animals on them, then a sheet cake with nicolas' picture on it framed by Wanted sign, and then a mini personal cake specially for nick!! We all sang happy birthday, made a wish and blew out the candle, and out nicolas got to dig in to his mini cake, and boy did he make a mess!! but we all got great pictures for memories, and nick even gave daddy and I and tast of his cake. After the cake the kiddo was such a mess i took off his clothes in the tub, and gave him a fast bath lol!! and some new clothes and he was back outside to say by to most our guests.

poor guy was pretty exhausted, he took a nap while we chilled outside with a few leftover guests, after he woke up we decided to open presents, he got an awesome amount of clothes for the summer!! and a few pretty cool toys too!!

Im so glad the party was such a success!! We kept it small and all about the kids!! Everyone had a great time!! Oh and i forgot to mention..we had a pony for pony rides come along with the petting zoo too!! we got the babies for babies pkg for kids under 3. they are so great!

Friday, April 8, 2011


I am officially the mother of a todder!! Its so crazy to me, yesterday I would think back to being in the hospital, and at 4:50 my baby boy was born, today he would only be a day old!! But here we are a year later and we have the best little boy we could have asked for!

So yesterday was so busy and crazy but a great first birthday for our little boy. Morning started off with a 9am doctor appt for his 12 month checkup. He got 3 shots =(  i felt worse than usual about them because it was his birthday! Then to make me feel even worse..I had to take him to Quest Diagnostics to get blood drawn, than wasnt fun!!

But we got through it and there went our morning! then daddy wanted us to meet for lunch. So we had lunch with daddy. After I had some shopping to do for his party, then we had to pick up my sister from school.

We made our way to buil a bear factory. It was fun, he picked out a cute puppy. And we dressed him with a bandana. And my mom met us there, then we played by the fountain at the mall and joined my mom and sister for their late lunch.

finally at about 4pm we headed home, it was time for nick to take a nap. So while he napped i caught up on house work and chatted with a few friends on facebook. Then daddy got home, took us out to dinner, and came home to meet grandparents and uncle alex from daddy's side. Nick was in such a good mood and was he entertainment like always, and we had a mini cake and we sang happy birthday to our baby.

And it was the end of the was a great day full of happiness and love for our baby boy!! Now for more fun at his birthday party tomorrow!! Im so excited and cant wait to see the look on nicks face when he sees the set up and all the balloons which he loves! And all the little activities we have planned for he kiddos!! And remember im bad at postin pics on my blog so check them out on my facebook!! lol!!

Monday, April 4, 2011

3 More days til the big

Jeez..So in 3 days our little man will turn ONE!!!! Can I believe it?...NO!! these last few days Iv just been thinking back to all his firsts. all the first holidays, all his little baby discoveries, and all his silly little things he does. I swear he is a baby comidian... or a clown as his daddy calls him.

This week is going to be soooo crazy for me! Tomorrow I am taking him to take his One year Birthday pictures. And between working, and getting last minute birthday party things out of the way, then he has his 12 month check up on the day of his Birthday!! Im excited about his birthday party, celebrating with friends and family. We have some fun baby things planned for the party.

Its funny this sunday my sister in law was holding him and giving him kisses and she said, next time I see Nick he will be ONE!!!!

Its crazy I will officially have a toddler!! I will catch you up with the birthday week hopefully thursday or friday..If im not too busy going crazy !! lol!