Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Starting to blog about mommy hood!

Hello everyone! So Nicolas is now 4months, and iv been debating about starting a blog, and now I wish I would have started one while I was pregnant!! But anyways let's start back on the night i went into labor!!!....

So My duedate was April 12 according to my last period and April 7th according to my 1st sono!! And Dr. adami said he was still set pretty high so I thought I would go past my due date!! So it's April 6th, I go to work, pretty easy day, and while at work I get like this excited feeling in my tummy and I remember telling Nick is this some kind of sign?!

So I finish my work bosses are out of town and I call it an early day and I head home, I'm feeling really happy I didn't make dinner because my mom was making sopa de pescado, but I did make a delishious chocolate cake for dessert =) hubby was at school that night, so I drive to my moms who lives like 3miles away to pick up some soup, as I'm driving I feel a little crampy and I remember my co-worker Jordan said contractions start of feeling like period cramps.

It's about 8pm and I arrive at my moms house, I didn't mention anything because I didn't want to freak her out! She would have taken me to the hospital asap!! I texted my hubby that I thought it might be time but i wasn't sure yet so j leave my moms house and head back home, hubby's class let out early so he got home soon after me.

The cramps got a little more painful and I was trying to time them, but they were confusing, sometimes 5 min apart and sometimes 15!! So I finished packing the hospital bag, which was mostly ready and I had a list of last minute things to pack so I wouldn't forget! We head to the hospital. I made julian slow down during a contraction because any small bump in the road made it hurt worse!!

We make it to the hospital, I'm 1cm dialated! I'm gonna spare some details, but let's say the pain made me vomit and I was not 2cm!! Next they make me walk!! WTF I'm in all this pain and they make me walk!! So I do as I'm told because I know it's for the best! Oh and by the time I checked in the hospital it was now 10pm. 2hrs of labor so far.

Nurse called my doc and he said I could stay. We didn't call fAmily yet because I didn't think we should all lose sleep. Julian pulled out the sofa bed and I told him to try and get some sleep because I was gonna need him well rested! I got a little shut eye in between contractions!! My back was killing me though!!

About 5am I let my hubby call my mom, she was fixing to head to the gym and I could hear her yell to my sister Erika is gonna have the baby!! Julian we will be right over! So within 30 minutes my mom, stepdad and sister show up. I'm still having contractions but finally around 6 they give me an epidural!! And can I say wooooow those things are awsome!! I felt the releif instantly!!I felt much much better!!

I started texting everyone to let them know what was up. Called my bosses, Sharon was so excited, then I called Marty and I said can I have the day off and he was like yeah sure lol!!. I was dialating at a good rate, but then I got stuck at 9cm and they had me try pushing but I still had some cervix in the way that wouldn't allow nicks head to come out! So doc said we don't want to stress the baby, emergency c-section time!

I didn't freak out because all that mattered was that baby was safe and healthy. Plus I always told myself anything can happen so I had an open mind. What was frustrating was being tied down to a table! And I had so much Meds in me j had the shakes, which is normal! They cute me up and next thing I know I hear a cry and they hold him up for me to see him!! I remember looking at his face and thinking wow this is my son!! I finally met him face to face! he was born April 7th 4:50 pm 7pds 4oz 20inches long!They took him to the warm table to clean him up and I can still hear his crying! Julian leaves with the nurses and Nicolas while they finish stitching me up!

They take me back to my recovery room

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