Thursday, August 19, 2010

4th Month so far..

At 4 mo Check up
He is now 4 months, he did have a 4 month check up and he got 2 shots again! But this time he was a tough boy! He didnt cry!! It seemed like he didnt even feel the shots, I was a little weirded out. But I guess its good because I dont feel so bad for him.
He loves to smile and babble, he likes to yell for fun lol!! He just keeps getting funner and funner. Doc said I could start him on baby cereal! He doesnt seem to mind it much. He really likes playing in his high chair. He also likes playing with daddies beard!! I guess the scratchiness makes him giggle, actually daddy is always being silly and makes him smile and giggle. He has begun to notice Scottie. He reaches for him when he sees him near and Scottie nudges his little hand playing with him, its so adorable!!
He only poops once maybe twice a day, he still eats every 3 hours during the day and only like twice at night. He sleeps anywhere from 6-9 hours, sometimes he figits for about 2 hours around 5 am. like he kinda wants to wake up but he stays asleep. He takes about 3 naps during the day, lasting about 1 hour and one of those naps he sleeps 3 hours after playing for a long time.
He wakes up a happy baby never fussy. Unless he hasnt gotten enough sleep he fusses a little and I give him his pacey and he goes back to sleep. And by the way those pacifiers they give them at the hospital, they get addicted to them, so if you already have a certain pacey in mind take it with you to the hospital and let them know you have one already. I didnt think abou that. But its okay he looks adorable with his hospital pacey!

This month we celebrated my 24th birthday and our 4 yr wedding anniversary!! It was great to have baby with us on a such a special day! This time last year I was about 5 wks preggers and didnt know it yet. I found out the day after my birthday!! Crazy huh?

Also we have signed up for a Baptisim class we need to take in order to baptize him. But we have to wait 3 months because apparently we wernt members of this church anymore and yet we got married there 4 yrs ago! Anyhoo, his God- Mother will be Julians sister laura, and the God-Father Julians brother Jr. They are both very excited about it!! I cant wait to baptize him, it will be such a special day!!

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